Sunday 25 October 2009

2004 Bon Voyage! We are going to Brazil...

It may sound crazy, but we started having dreams and visions of traveling. By then we had 5 children ages 6 to 1. We felt the Lord was calling us someplace else from our missionary center in Kiev. We just were desperate to find out where He wanted us.

He promised that we would find Him on the other side as we step out on the waters. The vision of us being surrounded by water kept following us. We just didn’t see Jesus on the other side. Until one day, somebody left a brochure in our home. As Adam picked it up and looked at it, he saw it, he saw Him on the other side. Without saying a word, he turned that brochure to me and asked, “Do you see what I see?” As I looked at the brochure, it had the same effect on me – it couldn’t have been clearer even if someone had screamed in my ear "That’s it! You are looking at it!"

There was our Jesus with His arms outstretched, welcoming us from the other side of the ocean – the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Seven ways to know God’s Will is a handy manual for anyone who reached crossroads in life. It is tried and proven and is a great help to me personally when I am making big decisions regarding traveling, jobs, relationships - anything big and significant to me. Here goes the magical divine formula in order of priorities.

0. Have no will of your own. You have to go into this with an open heart. That’s the prerequisite to get it right!

1. The Word. Look up the Bible and other devotional sources to find your general bearings.

2. The Voice of the Word. Be prepared for supernatural! You might experience a nudge in the spirit, or a particular verse might come to focus to you the way it never did before.

3. Direct revelations. If you are an active dreamer, that’s a good time to put your dreams to good use! Ask Jesus to speak to you through your dreams!

4. Godly counsel. God will surely speak to you about it through others. Seek the counsel of someone you trust and who is strong in faith and discernment.

5. Open/closed doors. Where God guides He provides, and where God leads He opens the door. Fair enough! Just like driving to McDonald's you should be able to see signs and props if you are on the right way.

6. Burdens and feelings. You should have a gut feeling about it. You won’t be able to shake it off easily.

7. A special sign. Ask for one, ‘If such-and-such is the way to go, then, God, do such-and-such’. Just don’t bet too much on this card. It’s the last one and of the least importance.

May I recommend an excellent magazine “Activated” with the full article “Seven Ways to Know God’s Will”? Actually, these magazines are chalk-full of amazing helpful info! Nowadays with information overload you have to be selective about what you read. “Activated” is a worthy investment of your time and money. Here is where to find the magazine

Subscribe to it, and see your life change for the better!